
Parsing SQL Statements

JDBC and the Limits of ResultSet Metadata

For my work in the area of data citation, I need to analyse queries, which are used for creating subsets. I am particularly interested in query parameters, sortings and filters. One of the most commonly used query languages is SQL, which is used by many relational database management systems such as MySQL. In some cases, the interaction with databases is abstract, meaning that there is hardly any SQL statements executed directly. The SQL statements are rather built on the fly by object relational mappers such as Hibernate. Other scenarios use SQL statements as String and also prepared statements, which are executed via JDBC. However,  analysing SQL statements is tricky as the language is very flexible.

In order to understand what columns have been selected, it is sufficient to utilise the ResultSet Metadata and retrieve the column names from there. In my case I need to extract this imformation from the query in advance and potentially enforce a specific sorting by adding columns to the ORDER BY clause. In this scenario, I need to parse the SQL statement and retrieve this information from the statement itself. Probably the best way to do this would be to implement a parser for the SQL dialect with ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition). But this is quite a challenge, so I decided to take a shortcut: FoundationDB.

The FoundationDB Parser

FoundationDB was a NoSQL database which provided several layers for supporting different paradigms at once. I am using past tense here, because the project got acquired by Apple in 2015 and since then does pursue the open source project any more. However, the Maven libraries for the software are still available at Maven Central. FoundationDB uses its own SQL parser, which understands standard SQL queries. These queries can be interpreted as a tree and the parser library allows traversing SQL statements and analyse the nodes. We can use this tree to parse and interpret SQL statements and extract additional information.

The Foundations of FoundationDB

The FoundationDB parser can be included into your own project with the following Maven dependency:


The usage of the parser is straight forward. We use the following example SQL statement as input:

	FROM tableA AS a, tableB AS b 
	WHERE a.firstColumn = b.secondColumn AND 
	b.thirdColumn < 5 
	ORDER BY a.thirdColumn,a.secondColumn DESC

The following function calls the parser and prints the tree of the statement.

     * Print a SQL statement
     * @param sqlString
	public void parseSQLString(String sqlString) {
                Parser parser = new Parser(); 
		StatementNode stmt;
		try {
		    stmt = this.parser.parseStatement(sqlString);

		} catch (StandardException e) {

The resulting tree is listed below. The statement has also been normalized, which ensures a stable sequence of the parameters.

name: null
statementType: SELECT
	isDistinct: false

		exposedName: firstcolumn
		name: firstcolumn
		tableName: null
		isDefaultColumn: false
		type: null
			columnName: firstcolumn
			tableName: a
			type: null
		exposedName: secondcolumn
		name: secondcolumn
		tableName: null
		isDefaultColumn: false
		type: null
			columnName: secondcolumn
			tableName: b
			type: null
		exposedName: thirdcolumn
		name: thirdcolumn
		tableName: null
		isDefaultColumn: false
		type: null
			columnName: thirdcolumn
			tableName: b
			type: null

		tableName: tablea
		updateOrDelete: null
		correlation Name: a
		tableName: tableb
		updateOrDelete: null
		correlation Name: b
		operator: and
		methodName: and
		type: null
			operator: =
			methodName: equals
			type: null
				columnName: firstcolumn
				tableName: a
				type: null
				columnName: secondcolumn
				tableName: b
				type: null
			operator: <
			methodName: lessThan
			type: null
				columnName: thirdcolumn
				tableName: b
				type: null
				value: 5
	allAscending: false
	ascending: true
	nullsOrderedLow: false
	columnPosition: -1
		columnName: thirdcolumn
		tableName: a
		type: null
	ascending: false
	nullsOrderedLow: false
	columnPosition: -1
		columnName: secondcolumn
		tableName: a
		type: null

This tree offers a lot of information, which can be used programmatically as well. In the top of the output, we can see that the statement was a SELECT statement and that it was not DISTINCT. Then follows the ResultSet, which contains a list of the three ResultColumns, which have been specified in the SELECT clause. We can see the column names and the table names from which they are drawn. The next block provides the referenced tables (the FROM list) and their alias names. The WHERE – block contains the operands which have been used for filtering and last but not least, there is the list of ORDER BY clauses and their sorting directions.

The Visitor

In order to access the information shown above programmatically, we need to access the content of the node one by one. This can be achieved with the visitor pattern, which traverses all the nodes of the tree. The following listing shows how the visitor pattern can be used for accessing the list of columns from the SELECT clause.

     * Return a list of columns of a SELECT clause
     * @param sql
     * @return
	public ArrayList selectColumnsList(String sql){
        SQLParser parser = new SQLParser();
        BooleanNormalizer normalizer = new BooleanNormalizer(parser);
        StatementNode stmt = null;

        try {
            stmt = parser.parseStatement(sql);
            stmt = normalizer.normalize(stmt);
        } catch (StandardException e) {

        final ArrayList<ResultColumn> columns = new ArrayList&lt;ResultColumn&gt;();
        Visitor v = new Visitor() {

            public boolean visitChildrenFirst(Visitable node) {
                if (node instanceof SelectNode)
                    return true;
                return false;

            public Visitable visit(Visitable node) throws StandardException {
                if (node instanceof ResultColumn) {
                    ResultColumn resultColumn = (ResultColumn) node;
                    System.out.println("Column " + columns.size()+ ": " + resultColumn.getName());
                return null;

            public boolean stopTraversal() {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                return false;

            public boolean skipChildren(Visitable node) throws StandardException {
                if (node instanceof FromList) {
                    return true;
                return false;

        try {
        } catch (StandardException e) {

        return columns;


This code example, we define a visitor which traverses all the ResultColumn nodes. Every time the current node is an instance of ResultColumn, we add this node to our list of columns. The nodes are only visited, if they are children of a SELECT statement. This is our entry point into the tree. We leave the tree when we reach the FROM list. We then apply the visitor to the statement, which initiates the traversal. As a result, we receive a list of columns which have been used for the result set.

In order to get the list of ORDER BY columns, we can utilise a similar approach. The following functions gives an example:

     * Return list of order by clauses
     * @param sqlText
     * @return
	public OrderByList orderByColumns(String sqlText){

		SQLParser parser = new SQLParser();
		BooleanNormalizer normalizer = new BooleanNormalizer(parser);
		StatementNode stmt;
        OrderByList orderByList = null;
        try {
			stmt = parser.parseStatement(sqlText);
			stmt = normalizer.normalize(stmt);
            CursorNode node = (CursorNode) stmt;
            orderByList = node.getOrderByList();
            int i=0;
            for(OrderByColumn orderByColumn : orderByList){
                String direction;
                System.out.println("ORDER BY Column " +i+ ": " +orderByColumn.getExpression().getColumnName()+ " Direction: " + direction );

        } catch (StandardException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
		return orderByList;


This time, we retrieve the list of ORDER BY columns directly from the CurserNode. Similar principles can be used for manipulating SQL statements and apply a different sorting for instance.

Data Wrangling with csvkit and SQLite

As mentioned earlier, csvkit is a very convenient tool for handling coma separated text files, especially when they are too large to be processed with conventional spread sheet applications like Excel or Libre Office Calc. The limits of Office programs can rather easy be reached, especially when dealing with scientific data. Open Office Calc supports the following limits.

  • maximum number of rows: 1,048,576
  • maximum number of columns: 1,024
  • maximum number of sheets: 256

Excel offers  also 1 048 576 rows but provides 16,384 columns. SQLite in contrast allows by default 2000 columns and provides if really needed up to 32767 columns if complied with a specific setting. In terms of row storage, SQLite provides a theoretical maximum number of 264 (18446744073709551616) rows. This limit is unreachable since the maximum database size of 140 terabytes will be reached first.

The limits we discussed will not be hit the our example of air traffic data, which we obtain from ourairports.com. You can download the sample file with currently 47409 airports described in the CSV format from the linked web page.

$: csvstat airports.csv 
  1. id
	<type 'int'>
	Nulls: False
	Min: 2
	Max: 316827
	Sum: 2112054844
	Mean: 44549.6602755
	Median: 23847
	Standard Deviation: 77259.1794792
	Unique values: 47409
  2. ident
	<type 'unicode'>
	Nulls: False
	Unique values: 47409
	Max length: 7
  3. type
	<type 'unicode'>
	Nulls: False
	Unique values: 7
	5 most frequent values:
		small_airport:	30635
		heliport:	9098
		medium_airport:	4536
		closed:	1623
		seaplane_base:	927
	Max length: 14

This little command provides us with the statistics of the columns in the file. We see that the file we provided offers 18 columns and we also can immediately see the column types, if there are null values and what the 5 most frequent values are. If we are interested in a list of columns only, we can print them with the following command.

$: csvcut -n  airports.csv 
  1: id
  2: ident
  3: type
  4: name
  5: latitude_deg
  6: longitude_deg
  7: elevation_ft
  8: continent
  9: iso_country
 10: iso_region
 11: municipality
 12: scheduled_service
 13: gps_code
 14: iata_code
 15: local_code
 16: home_link
 17: wikipedia_link
 18: keywords

We can also use the csvcut command for – you expect it already – cutting specific columns from the CSV file, in order to reduce the size of the file and only retrieve the columns that we are interested in. Image you would like to create a list of all airports per region. Simply cut the columns you need and redirect the output into a new file. The tool csvlook provides us with a MySQL-style preview of the data.

$: csvcut --columns=name,iso_country,iso_region  airports.csv > airports_country_region.csv
$: csvlook airports_country_region.csv | head -n 15
|  name                                                                          | iso_country | iso_region  |
|  Total Rf Heliport                                                             | US          | US-PA       |
|  Lowell Field                                                                  | US          | US-AK       |
|  Epps Airpark                                                                  | US          | US-AL       |
|  Newport Hospital & Clinic Heliport                                            | US          | US-AR       |
|  Cordes Airport                                                                | US          | US-AZ       |
|  Goldstone /Gts/ Airport                                                       | US          | US-CA       |
|  Cass Field                                                                    | US          | US-CO       |
|  Grass Patch Airport                                                           | US          | US-FL       |
|  Ringhaver Heliport                                                            | US          | US-FL       |
|  River Oak Airport                                                             | US          | US-FL       |
|  Lt World Airport                                                              | US          | US-GA       |
|  Caffrey Heliport                                                              | US          | US-GA       |

We could then sort the list of airports alphabetically in reverse and write the new list into a new file. We specify the name of the column we want to sort the file and We measure the execution time needed by prepending the command time.

$: time csvsort -c "name" --delimiter="," --reverse airports_country_region.csv > airports_country_region_sorted.csv

real    0m1.177s
user    0m1.135s
sys    0m0.042s

A nice feature of csvkit is its option to query CSV files with SQL. You can formulate SELECT queries and it even supports joins and other tricks. Thus you can achieve the same result with just one SQL query.

$: time csvsql -d ',' --query="SELECT name,iso_country,iso_region FROM airports ORDER BY name DESC" airports.csv > sql_airports_country_region.csv

real	0m11.626s
user	0m11.532s
sys	0m0.090s

Obviously, this is not the fastest possibility and may not be suitable for larger data sets. But csvkit offers more: You can create SQL tables automatically by letting csvkit browse through your CSV files. It will try to guess the column type, the appropriate field length and even constraints.

$: csvsql -i sqlite -d ',' --db-schema AirportDB --table Airports airports.csv 
CREATE TABLE "Airports" (
	ident VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL, 
	type VARCHAR(14) NOT NULL, 
	name VARCHAR(77) NOT NULL, 
	latitude_deg FLOAT NOT NULL, 
	longitude_deg FLOAT NOT NULL, 
	elevation_ft INTEGER, 
	continent VARCHAR(4), 
	iso_country VARCHAR(4), 
	iso_region VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL, 
	municipality VARCHAR(60), 
	scheduled_service BOOLEAN NOT NULL, 
	gps_code VARCHAR(4), 
	iata_code VARCHAR(4), 
	local_code VARCHAR(7), 
	home_link VARCHAR(128), 
	wikipedia_link VARCHAR(128), 
	keywords VARCHAR(173), 
	CHECK (scheduled_service IN (0, 1))

$: csvsql -i sqlite -d ',' --db-schema AirportDB --table Airports -u 0 airports.csv > airport_schema.sql

The second command in the listing above simply stores the table in a separate file.  We can import this CREATE TABLE statement by reading the file in SQLite. Change to the folder where you downloaded SQLite3 and create a new database called AirportDB. The following listing contains SQL style comments (starting with –) in order to improve readability.

./sqlite3 AirportDB.sqlite

SQLite version 3.9.2 2015-11-02 18:31:45
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
-- change the command separator from its default | to ;
sqlite> .separator ;
-- read the SQL file we created before
sqlite> .read /home/stefan/datawrangling/airport_schema.sql
-- list all tables
sqlite> .tables
-- print table schema

sqlite> .schema Airports
CREATE TABLE "Airports" (
	ident VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL, 
	type VARCHAR(14) NOT NULL, 
	name VARCHAR(77) NOT NULL, 
	latitude_deg FLOAT NOT NULL, 
	longitude_deg FLOAT NOT NULL, 
	elevation_ft INTEGER, 
	continent VARCHAR(4), 
	iso_country VARCHAR(4), 
	iso_region VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL, 
	municipality VARCHAR(60), 
	scheduled_service BOOLEAN NOT NULL, 
	gps_code VARCHAR(4), 
	iata_code VARCHAR(4), 
	local_code VARCHAR(7), 
	home_link VARCHAR(128), 
	wikipedia_link VARCHAR(128), 
	keywords VARCHAR(173), 
	CHECK (scheduled_service IN (0, 1))

You can also achieve the same results directly from Bash, simply by piping the SQL file to the database.

$: cat ~/datawrangling/airport_schema.sql | ./sqlite3 AirportDB.sqlite
$: ./sqlite3 AirportDB.sqlite ".tables"
$: ./sqlite3 AirportDB.sqlite ".schema Airports"
CREATE TABLE "Airports" (
	ident VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL, 
	type VARCHAR(14) NOT NULL, 
	name VARCHAR(77) NOT NULL, 
	latitude_deg FLOAT NOT NULL, 
	longitude_deg FLOAT NOT NULL, 
	elevation_ft INTEGER, 
	continent VARCHAR(4), 
	iso_country VARCHAR(4), 
	iso_region VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL, 
	municipality VARCHAR(60), 
	scheduled_service BOOLEAN NOT NULL, 
	gps_code VARCHAR(4), 
	iata_code VARCHAR(4), 
	local_code VARCHAR(7), 
	home_link VARCHAR(128), 
	wikipedia_link VARCHAR(128), 
	keywords VARCHAR(173), 
	CHECK (scheduled_service IN (0, 1))

We created a complex SQL table by automatically parsing CSV files. This gives a lot of opportunities, also for Excel spreadsheets and other data available in CSV. The great thing about csvkit is that it supports a large variety of database dialects. You can use the same command by adapting the -i parameter for the following database systems:

  • access
  • sybase
  • sqlite
  • informix
  • firebird
  • mysql
  • oracle
  • maxdb
  • postgresql
  • mssql

All major systems are supported, which is a great benefit. Now that we have the schema ready, we need to import the data into the SQLite database.  We can use the SQLite client to import the CSV file into the database, but suddenly we run into a problem! The 12th column contains boolean values, as correctly identified by the csvkit tool. When we inspect the file again with csvlook, we can see that the column contains ‘yes’ and ‘no’ values. Unfortunately SQLite does not understand this particular notion of boolean values, but rather expects 0 for false and 1 for true, as described in the data types documentation.We have two options: We could replace the values of yes and no by their corresponding integer, for instance with awk:

$: awk -F, 'NR>1 { $12 = ($12 == "\"no\"" ? 0 : $12) } 1' OFS=,  airports.csv &gt; airports_no.csv
$: awk -F, 'NR>1 { $12 = ($12 == "\"yes\"" ? 1 : $12) } 1' OFS=,  airports_no.csv &gt; airports_yes.csv

Or, much more comfortably, we could again use csvkit, which can help us out and replaces the values automatically. The following command imports the data into our database. As we already created the table in advance, we can skip the process with the appropriate flag.

$: time csvsql --db "sqlite:///home/stefan/datawrangling/AirportDB.sqlite" --table "Airports" --insert airports.csv --no-create

real    0m11.161s
user    0m10.743s
sys    0m0.169s

This takes a little while, but after a few seconds, we have the data ready. We can then open the database and query our Airport data set.

sqlite>  SELECT name,iso_country,iso_region FROM airports ORDER BY name DESC
Run Time: real 3.746 user 0.087215 sys 0.167298

You can now use the data in an advanced way and also may utilise advanced database features such as indices in order to speed up the data processing. If we compare again the execution of the same query on the CSV file and within SQLite, the advantage becomes much more obvious if we omit command line output, for instance by querying the COUNT of the airport names.

:$ time csvsql -d ',' --query="SELECT COUNT(name) FROM airports" airports.csv 

real	0m11.068s
user	0m10.977s
sys	0m0.086s

-- SQLite
sqlite> .timer on
sqlite> SELECT COUNT(name) FROM Airports;
Run Time: real 0.014 user 0.012176 sys 0.001273

Create an ER Diagram of an Existing SQLite Database (or many other RDBMS)

Visualisation helps solving problems and is therefore an important tool database design. Many database providers have their product specific tools for re-engineering existing schemata, but self-contained, serverless, embedded relational database management systems (RDBMS) such as SQLite often come without much tooling support. The extremely small footprint of SQLite provides a very powerful tool for implementing database driven applications without the hassle of database administration, user privilege management and other demanding tasks that come with more complex systems. There does not exist a workbench-like tool for SQLite, but we can use the open source SchemaCrawler for analysing database schemata and table relationships. The tool provides a plethora of commands and options, in this post we will only cover the diagramming part, which allows creating ER diagrams of the table.

After downloading and extracting the tool to your local drive, you can find a lot of examples included. The tool can handle SQLite, Oracle,  MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres and Sybase database servers and is therefore very versatile. You will need Java 8 in order to run it. Have a look at the script below, which creates a PNG image of the database schema of the Chinook test database.

# The path of the unzipped SchemaCrawler directory
# The path of the SQLite database
# The type of the database system.
# Where to store the image
# Username and password need to be empty for SQLite

java -classpath $(echo ${SchemaCrawlerPATH}/_schemacrawler/lib/*.jar | tr ' ' ':') schemacrawler.Main -server=${RDBMS} -database=${SQLiteDatabaseFILE} -outputformat=png -outputfile=${OutputPATH} -command=graph -infolevel=maximum -user=${USER} -password=${PASSWORD}

The SchemaCrawlerPATH variable contains the path to the directory where we unzipped the SchemaCrawler files to. This is needed in order to load all the required libraries into the classpath below. We then specify the SQLite database file, define the RDBMS and provide an output path where we store the image. Additionally, we provide an empty user name and password combination. SQLite does not provide user authentication, thus those two parameters need to be empty, SchemaCrawler simply ignores them. Then we can execute the command and the tool generates the PNG of the ER diagram for us.

You can find a lot of examples also online, which gives you an overview of the features of this tool. One of the main purposes of SchemaCrawler is to generate diffable text outputs of the database schemata. In combination with a source code version management tool such as Git or Subversion, you can create clean and usable reports of your databases and keep track of the changes there. You can retrieve an overview of the options  with the following command.

java -classpath $(echo ${SchemaCrawlerPATH}/_schemacrawler/lib/*.jar | tr ' ' ':') schemacrawler.Main -?

You can also HTML reports with the following command:

java -classpath $(echo ${SchemaCrawlerPATH}/_schemacrawler/lib/*.jar | tr ' ' ':') schemacrawler.Main -server=${RDBMS} -database=${SQLiteDatabaseFILE} -outputformat=html -outputfile=report.html -command=details -infolevel=maximum -user=${USER} -password=${PASSWORD}

Other available output formats are plain text, CSV or JSON.